
the diving seniors said they will start loo箱包饰品king for safer public locations to indulge in their favorite hobby.

发布日期:2024-04-17 19:52    点击次数:169

the diving seniors said they will start loo箱包饰品king for safer public locations to indulge in their favorite hobby.


The sensational "diving grandpas" from north China's Tianjin, who have taken the Internet by storm with their daring antics, on Wednesday announced that they would quit the water-splashing sport out of concern for public safety.

The sudden explosive exposure on social media has drawn numerous curious tourists from across the country to the Shizilin Bridge over the Haihe River in Tianjin, where the veteran swimmers perform diving.

However, some inexperienced divers, in trying to emulate the seniors, 打字机 have met with accidents and got themselves injured, 载客汽车 placing a burden on rescue teams.

Some of the grandpas have begun volunteering to keep order for the crowds that throng to see the aerial performance on the bridge.


With an average age of 60,工艺礼品箱包饰品 the diving grandpas loosely identify themselves as the Shizilin Bridge Diving Team. They started as a bunch of local enthusiasts, 婴儿服装 who went swimming in the city's rivers, 煤矿 later they tried their hand at diving. The hobby has now lasted for more than three decades.

The Shizilin Bridge has decoration lighting. But local authorities had to cut off power to the bridge for the safety of the diving seniors.

The grandpas have decided to stop diving off the bridge to ensure safe passage for ships, vehicles and pedestrians on and under the overpass, they said in Wednesday's statement.

They have also urged inexperienced locals and children as well as tourists to strictly refrain from diving from the bridge though they expressed their gratitude to those who came to watch them.


The grandpas welcomed the tourists to Tianjin, especially pointing out the other great attractions and delicious food options around the Shizilin Bridge.

With the weather in the city turning colder箱包饰品, the diving seniors said they will start looking for safer public locations to indulge in their favorite hobby.

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